Friday, January 2, 2015

25 week update

I meant to start doing updates like this early on, but oh well ;)

How far along? 25 weeks (and 2 days, technically)

Total weight gain? So I have finally gained some weight after losing 4-5 pounds at the beginning of this pregnancy. Now I'm officially up almost 3.

Sleep? My snoogle (pregnancy pillow) is still my best friend. And I discovered a small squishy pillow I had at my parents' house when we were there for Christmas, which fits perfectly under my bump and since it's filled with little pellet type things, they shift to perfectly support the bump. It's a keeper!

Movement? Lots! Baby's definitely moving around and practicing breathing, which gives him hiccups almost every day. Such cool feelings. Over the past week or two, I've been able to really see my shirt move when he kicks. I was also able to get it on video this week :)

Cravings? Not a whole ton. At the beginning of this pregnancy I NEEDED Outback's Bloomin' Onions weekly. Kind of glad that's over, though I kind of want one now that I'm thinking about it again hehe. I've been VERY into chocolate in the last couple of weeks. I think that's my biggest craving at the moment, though it's not for anything real specific. Hopefully I passed the glucose test I took on Wednesday!

Preparations? I got some hangers to hang up some of the baby clothes we have, and quickly realized I need more, especially if we get any clothes as gifts at the baby showers haha! We already painted the nursery and have the crib and dresser set up, as well as the glider. I think the next step is taking a trip to Ikea to buy a bookshelf so we can get the books organized instead of in a few piles on the floor. I also need to come up with some more artwork and cute things to do around the room. One step at a time :) Oh and I'm also trying to learn to crochet again. I'm determined to make this little boy a blanket!

Baby? Baby is great! I can finally relax a bit now that he is viable to survive outside the womb, though we definitely want him to stay in until April if at all possible. He also officially has a name - Hugo Christopher! This was our announcement on facebook yesterday:

Hugo means "bright in mind and spirit". Knowing us, you know we wanted a subtle Disney name, which it is - the gargoyles in Hunchback are named Victor and Hugo, after Victor Hugo - so it's literary, too.

Christopher is in honor of my little brother, who as many of you know, passed away the day after he was born. I've always wanted to have my future little boy's middle name be Christopher, so I was lucky that James was on board with that. Technically it's also a Disney name, too, with Christopher Robin!

I guess that's all for now :) Happy New Year!

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